Our Mission



After losing my drivers license due to epilepsy, the bicycle became my connection to the world. I began to ride, literally, everywhere I went, and worked as a bicycle courier in Montréal during my studies in Art Education at Concordia University. I realized that even though I love art and teaching, I love bikes even more. Not long after finishing my BFA I decided to start a bike repair company, which would come to be known as Vélo A&A. I wanted to help others get from cycling what I’ve been fortunate to get from it; independence, empowerment, adventure and most importantly, mobility, both in life and in my city. I also recognized that bike repair services are not equally accessible to everyone. Many great bike shops are already making efforts to solve this problem, but I still frequently hear people describe feeling out of place in an elite athletic atmosphere, or being told that their bike is too old or too cheap to fix. I personally enjoy racing and keeping up on the hottest new bike tech, but I also deeply appreciate the bike as a mere tool for mobility. I’m certainly a “cyclist”, but I’m also just a person who uses a bike to get places. I appreciate the unique needs of each individual customer and I want to meet them where they’re at, literally, to fix their bike, but also to understand what they want from a bike repair service and provide that to them.



Audry is the other “A” in A&A, she likes full-day rides in the forest, long-distance touring and she rides her bike to work all winter long. She’s a multitalented artist, artisan and designer, as well as a multilingual book enthusiast, and an all-around fascinating person. Audry is a vocal advocate for affordable housing in Montréal, and a supporter of social justice and equal access to sustainable and active transportation.